Dear August 5, 2016. Home is a beating heart.

I figured out that the hardest thing in life is not knowing where home is…

What is home without the people you care about, is it possible to call a place home when you have no comfort. Today might be the hardest day I had to face, I realised that home is not a country or city and not a house you live in. Home is where you build of chosen family and have your own family.

Coming here seemed like a good idea, I also postponed by travels to figure out a place I will eventually call home. Tho I realised it isn’t that easy without the people that entered my life and became a permanent part of it.

I miss the comfort I get around my chosen family, the comfort that even without seeing them just knowing that they’re in the same place brings me peace of mind. I guess home is not a place rather home is a beating heart that you’ve got attached to. 

It’s the patience they give you, the love they show you and the actions they do that makes you certain that you belong there.

I miss home and I’m terrified that a day will come that I won’t be calling it home anymore but rather a place 

Israa Mehanna, home is a chosen family.

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